Browse Items
- "I've got a secret" show
- "the gold industry"
- 1814
- 1815
- 1836
- 1838
- 1839
- 1840
- 1841
- 1842
- 1843
- 1844
- 1845
- 1846
- 1847
- 1848
- 1849
- 1850
- 1851
- 1852
- 1853
- 1854
- 1855
- 1856
- 1857
- 1864
- 1865
- 1866
- 1868
- 1869
- 1870
- 1871
- 1872
- 1874
- 1875
- 1877
- 1878
- 1880
- 1881
- 1884
- 1885
- 1886
- 1887
- 1888
- 1889
- 1890
- 1892
- 1894
- 1896
- 1897
- 1898
- 1899
- 1900
- 1900s
- 1901
- 1902
- 1903
- 1904
- 1905
- 1906
- 1907
- 1908
- 1909
- 1910
- 1911
- 1912
- 1913
- 1914
- 1915
- 1916
- 1917
- 1918
- 1919
- 1920
- 1921
- 1922
- 1923
- 1924
- 1925
- 1926
- 1927
- 1927-1931
- 1928
- 1928A
- 1929
- 1930
- 1931
- 1932
- 1932A
- 1933
- 1934
- 1935
- 1936
- 1937
- 1937 flood
- 1938
- 1939
- 1940
- 1940-43
- 1941
- 1942
- 1943
- 1944
- 1945
- 1946
- 1947
- 1948
- 1949
- 1950
- 1950s
- 1951
- 1952
- 1953
- 1954
- 1955
- 1956
- 1957
- 1958
- 1959
- 1960
- 1961
- 1962
- 1963
- 1964
- 1965
- 1966
- 1967
- 1968
- 1969
- 1970
- 1970s
- 1971
- 1972
- 1973
- 1974
- 1975
- 1976
- 1977
- 1978
- 1979
- 1980
- 1981
- 1982
- 1983
- 1984
- 1985
- 1986
- 1987
- 1988
- 1989
- 1990
- 1991
- 1992
- 1993
- 1994
- 1995
- 1996
- 1997
- 1998
- 1999
- 2000
- 2001
- 2002
- 2003
- 2004
- 2005
- 2006
- 2007
- 2008
- 2009
- 2010
- 2011
- 2012
- 2013
- 2014
- 2015
- 2016
- 2017
- 2018
- 2019
- 2020
- 2021
- Abingdon
- Abingdon Fair
- Abingdon fairgrounds
- activities
- Addison's works
- administration building fire
- African American
- African American churches
- African American family
- African American workers
- African Americans and Smokey Row
- agriculture
- Alex Smith Case
- Allens (outlaws)
- American Tobacco Company
- ancestors
- Andrew Russell house
- apology
- Appalachia
- apple butter making
- Appleton
- area changes
- area history
- Army
- Arts and Crafts Fair
- Ashe County
- attending EHC
- attending Emory and Henry College 1927-1931
- attitudes towards mining
- Attorney
- Auditorium Hotel
- Ayres
- Backwoods
- bank
- bank closings
- banking
- Banner
- Barrack School
- bartending
- bartering
- baseball
- basket weaving
- Bassett
- Battle of Saltville
- bed ticks
- Beech Mountain
- beekeeping
- Beetree community
- being a post master
- being self-sufficient
- Bells
- Bentham and lynch area
- Bethel Community
- Bill Scott
- Bill Wampler
- Billy White
- birds
- black community
- black cultural history
- black culture
- black lung
- Black Taxi company
- Blacksburg
- blacksmith trade
- blacksmithing
- Blanche
- Blountsville
- Blountville
- Bluefield
- Board of Public Safety
- boarding
- Bob
- Bob Taylor
- Bolingbroke
- books
- bootleggers
- Bristol
- Bristol TN
- Bristol VA
- Brook Hall
- Brooklyn
- brother
- Brown
- Buchanan
- Bull Run
- bushwhackers
- businessman
- butcher
- Byars
- Byrd Organization
- C. Hotel
- Cainy Boyd
- calculus
- Calliopian
- canning factory
- Capital
- Carbo
- carding wool
- carnivals
- Carrie
- Carrie Lee
- Carroll County
- cars
- Causta Freeing
- CCC camps
- CCC History
- Cemeteries
- Chancellor
- change from manual to machine
- changes in education
- chapel
- Charles
- Charley
- Chas Endermen
- Chattanooga
- check
- chemistry
- cherokee
- Chesterfield
- chewing gum
- Chicago
- Chief Benge
- childhood
- children
- Chilhowie
- Chilhowie brick factory
- Chilhowie Town House
- Christianity
- Christiansburg
- Christmas
- church
- churches
- circuit court
- circuit riders
- civil rights
- Civil War
- claim
- Clarion
- Clarksville
- Clinchburg community
- Clinchfield Coal Company
- clippings
- Clorion
- Cloverdale Creamery
- coal
- coal business
- coal cars
- coal driver
- coal mining
- coal mining at various mines in the early 1900s
- code words
- Coeburn
- Col Richmond
- Col. James White home
- cold
- college regulations
- college rules
- commencement
- commissaries
- community
- community affairs
- company houses
- company stores
- composistion
- conductor
- Connie Lee
- construction
- construction of Fieldcrest Mills
- contest
- convent in Abingdon
- cooking
- cooking gardening
- cooking on a fireplace
- Cora
- corn meal
- corn mills
- Cornwell
- Courier
- Courier Journal
- court
- court day
- court system
- Cousin Em
- Cousin Mary
- covered wagons
- crafts
- Cremation
- Cunningham
- custom house
- customs
- dairies
- Damascus
- Damascus during childhood
- dances
- dancing
- Dante VA
- Dave
- Davy
- death
- debate
- Debator's medal
- debts
- Debusk's Mill
- Delaney
- Delaware
- Delin Thommes
- delivering mail
- depression
- Development of Lebanon and Russell County
- Dickens
- disappointment
- discipline
- dishonor
- Dispute
- Distinguisher
- doctor
- doctoring
- doctors
- domestic employment
- Dr
- Dr B
- Dr B.
- Dr Bolling
- Dr S
- Dr Smith
- Dr Stucky
- Dr Sullins
- Dr Taylor
- Dr. B
- Dr. Bolling
- Dr. Buchanan
- Dr. Holland
- Dr. Johnson
- Dr. Johnston
- Dr. N. T. Dulaney
- Dr. R
- Dr. Rodger
- Dr. S
- Dr. Sullins
- Dr. Wiley
- drying foods
- dues
- early Abingdon
- early days in Tom's Creek mines
- early life
- early life and family
- early mining methods
- early schools
- Eb Rogers
- ebbing spring community
- Ebbing Spring Roller Mill
- economy
- Eden
- Edinburg Review
- Editorials
- education
- education policies
- effects of WWII
- Eldridge
- election
- elections
- elections in Harlan
- electrical system
- electricity
- Elizabethton
- Ella
- eloping
- Embersville TN
- Emory
- Emory & Henry College
- Emory and Henry College
- Emory Community
- employment
- employment at Fieldcrest Mills
- employment with Dodge Motor Co
- England
- entertainment
- equipment costs
- Eva
- Evansville
- Eve
- examination
- examinations
- exams
- exhibition
- Extension Agency
- factory
- factory employment
- fairgrounds
- family
- family and early life in North Carolina
- family background
- family background in coal industry
- family business
- family community
- family gatherings
- family history
- family life
- farm
- farm life
- farm life in Abingdon
- farmer
- farming
- farming schools
- Father
- father's mine
- father's work
- father's work as a casket maker
- federal housing
- fencing
- feuds
- Fieldale
- Fieldale bank
- Fieldale baseball team
- Fieldcrest Mills
- Finances
- financial records
- fire
- fire at Emory
- first cars
- first settlers
- fishing
- Flasterco community
- flood at Plasterco mine
- flood of 1937
- flooding
- folk music
- Fontain Brickyard
- food
- food preservation
- forces that have shaped life in Appalachia
- fossils found in the mines
- Frank
- Frank G. Martin
- fraternities
- freinds
- friendship
- Friendship Community
- Fuller
- Funk
- furniture industry
- gambler
- gardening
- general
- general store
- George
- George Miles
- George Stuart
- ghost stories
- Giles County
- ginseng
- girls
- Glade Spring
- Glade Spring history
- Glade Spring Motel
- Glade Springs
- Glade Springs. Katy Hughes
- God
- Gov Taylor
- government
- government aid
- government on the tobacco market
- government regulations
- Governor Bates
- grandma
- grandparents
- grange harvesting
- Grayson County
- Great Depression
- greek
- Greeneville
- Gregg
- grist mill
- gritting corn
- growing up
- growing up in Dickenson County
- growing up in Kentucky
- growing up in Russell County
- gypsies
- Hamilton
- Hampton
- Hannah
- health problems in Southwest Virginia
- Henry Rogers
- her husband's work
- herb doctoring
- herb gathering
- herbs
- Hermesian
- Hermesian debate
- high school experiences
- historical development of Saltville
- histories of Tazewell and the Liberty
- history
- history of Bluefield
- history of Chilhowie
- history of the community
- history of the UMWA in District 28
- hobby and occupation as a musician
- hog killing
- Holston Valley
- home remedies
- homesteading
- honors
- hope
- horse racing
- horses
- hosiery mill
- Hospital
- hotel
- house construction
- house raising
- how Olin got its raw materials
- how these forces are seen
- Hugh Taylor
- Humfry
- hunting
- husband's work in coal mines
- Hutter
- hymns
- illnesses
- immigrants working in the mines
- immigration
- improvements for black community
- Indian grounds
- indian territory
- Indians
- industrialization
- industries in Bluefield area
- industry
- integration
- Itabena
- Jackson
- Jake Hammer
- James Watt
- Jamestown
- Jarden
- Jeffrey
- Jellico
- Jim
- Joe
- Joe Brown
- Joe Jefferson
- John
- John Fair
- John Stuart
- Johnson
- Johnson City
- Jonesboro
- Joseph St. John
- Joshua
- Journal
- Judge
- Judge Smith
- Julie
- Kale Kelly Controversy
- Kansas
- kansas city
- Kate
- Katy Hughes
- keeping money
- Kelly Chapel
- Kelly's chapel
- Kentucky
- Kentucky State Pharmacy Board
- King Mountain Battle
- Knobs area
- Knoxville
- Konnarock area
- Konnarock Training School
- labor conditions
- Labour union
- Lannie May Palmer
- lanyard
- large mines
- Latin
- Laurie-May
- lawyer
- lectures
- Lee Highway
- legends
- Lenny
- letters
- Liberty Hall School
- library
- Lick Fort
- life
- life as the son of a coal miner
- life in Abingdon
- life in the Tom's Creek and Coeburn communities
- lime mortar
- Little Duke Cigar co.
- Little Tom's Creek
- living in Radford
- local business
- local communities
- local government
- local industry
- local schools
- local stories
- Lodi
- log houses
- logging
- logging camps
- Louisiana
- Louisville
- love
- Ltin
- Lucy
- lumber companies
- lumber industry
- lye soap
- Lynch KY
- Ma
- Macaulay
- machine improvements
- Macy
- mail carrier
- Major Folsom
- making dulcimers
- making hay
- making instruments
- making of butter and cheese
- making soap
- making tacnic acid from chestnut trees
- Mama
- manual to machine labor switch
- manufacture of molasses
- Margaret Haynes
- Marion
- Marion area
- Marion College
- Marion Female College
- Marshal Field management
- marth girls
- martha girls
- Martha Washington College
- Mary
- Mary Etter
- Mathieson Alkali Works
- Matt
- Matthes
- Matthew
- Matti
- Mayor Frank Sanders
- McCready's Gap
- McKinney farm
- measels
- mechanization in the mines
- media
- medical care
- Medical facilities
- medical student
- medical students
- medicine
- medicine and home remedies
- Merchants
- Methodist
- Metropolitan
- midwifing
- military
- military academy
- mill work
- milling
- mine accidents
- mine automation
- mine experiences
- mine explosion
- mine owners
- mine safety
- mines
- mining
- mining 1936 to 1972
- mining camps
- mining engineer
- mining in the early 1900s
- mining machinery
- mining technology
- Minnie
- miscegenation
- Miss Craig
- Miss Jollie
- Miss Neppie
- mission work
- modern funeral practices
- Molasses
- molasses cakes
- money
- Montgomery County
- moonshine and bootlegging
- moonshining
- moral principles
- Morris School
- Morristown
- Mother
- Mountain City
- mountain life
- Mr Cochrane
- Mr Dulaney
- Mr Kite
- Mr Mathes
- Mr Mill
- Mr. Beu
- Mr. Cate
- Mr. Francis
- Mr. Glenn
- Mr. Halcomb
- Mr. P
- Mr. Philipps
- Mr. W.D. Corvin
- Mr. Willis
- Mrs Lawrence
- Mrs.Stucky
- Mt. Olivet Methodist church
- Murphy
- music
- N&W
- names of towns in Wise county
- Nashville
- Nat
- Nat Taylor
- National guard
- Native Americans
- naval unit
- Navy
- Navy V-12 Program
- NC
- neighbor
- nervous
- neutral merchant
- New Albany
- New fort
- New Mexico
- New York
- New York Hotel
- Newport
- newspapers
- Nora
- North American Review
- North Carolina
- nursing
- occupational accomplishments
- office
- Office of Economic Opportunity
- Oil
- old folk songs and origins
- Old Glade Spring Church
- Olin corporation
- Olin Mathieson
- Olin Mathieson store
- one-room schools
- organization
- origin of the name "Glade Spring"
- outlook on life
- outlooks of farmers
- ownership
- Pa
- painting
- Palm Sunday
- Panama
- Pat Hannah
- Patterson
- Patterson Mill
- Paul
- payment by barter
- payments
- Pearl Harbor
- peddlers
- peddling vegetables
- personal background
- Pet Milk Co.
- pets
- philosophy
- Phoenix Hills
- phones
- Photos
- picture
- planting crops by the signs
- Plasterco
- Plasterco mine
- Plum Creek community
- plumbing work
- poetry
- political economy
- politics
- pollution
- Pony Mine
- Pool
- post as head of Southwest VA co-op
- post-mistress
- pottery
- Poverty
- prayer meeting
- preacher
- Preacher Blake
- preaching
- prescription
- preserving food
- president
- Primitive Baptist
- private schools
- Prof Price
- Prof Sanders
- Prof. Jarden
- Professor
- professors
- Progressive Community Club
- public work
- publication
- Publicity
- published
- Pulaski County
- quilting
- quilting bees
- R. Fleming's Mine
- race
- race relations
- railroad
- railroads
- rain
- raising sheep
- rationing
- Reading Room
- reception
- records from tobacco warehouse
- recreation
- refund
- regulations
- relics
- religion
- remedies
- Republican Party
- responsibilities
- restoration
- restrictions
- retired director
- Rev. Williams Robinson
- Reverend Price
- Reynolds Aluminum Company
- Richard Mayfield
- Richmond
- Riverside (VA) community
- roads
- roads and transportation
- Roberston speech
- Robertson
- Roosevelt
- rules
- running a hardware store
- running a hotel
- running a store at Poplar Camp
- rural childhoods
- Rural Retreat
- rural storekeeper
- Russell County
- safety rules
- Sal
- salt wells
- Saltville
- Salutations
- Sandy Ridge church
- Sandy Ridge Community
- Saunder
- Saunders
- Scholarships
- school
- schooling
- schools
- script
- segregation
- self-sufficiency
- selling company houses
- senior editor
- servants
- serving on the Washington County board of supervisors
- settlement
- Shannon
- share cropping
- Sharpe
- Sherwood Anderson
- shoes
- sickness
- Sinking Springs Presbyterian church
- Sis
- slave cemetery
- slave trading
- slavery
- slaves
- small mine operators
- small mines
- Smyth County
- snow
- soap making
- social life
- Society
- Society Hall
- sororities
- Southern Gypsum
- Southern Labor Union
- Southwest Virginia State Laboratory
- special examiner
- speech
- speeches
- sports
- spring houses
- Springfield IL
- square dancing
- St. Charles
- St. Clair Bottom Airport
- St. Clair's Bottom
- Stacky Chris
- state legislature
- Stonewall Jackson Institute
- store keeping
- stores
- stories of the area
- streetcars in Tazewell
- strikes
- strip mining
- student life
- students army training club
- subjects
- Sullins
- Sullivan Co
- Sulpher Springs Hotel
- Sunday
- superstitions
- surgery
- Surprise of Love
- Sweetenborgan Church
- Swift's Silver Mine
- T. C. Cain
- tailor
- tanning leather
- Taylor's Valley
- teachers
- teaching
- teamsters
- technology
- telegram
- Tenant farmers
- Tennessee
- Tennessee Lumber co.
- Texas
- the "poor farm"
- the almanac
- the American Tobacco co.
- the Cave House history
- The Clarion
- The Comet
- the Convent
- the dairy business
- The Death of Socrates
- the depression
- the first radios
- The Great Depression
- the KKK
- the Little Kimberling Shop
- The Masonic Order
- the Mill Creek community
- the Moore horses
- the Moore massacre
- the Navy V-12 Program
- the old Abingdon fairgrounds
- the old convent in Abingdon
- the UMWA
- theatre
- tobacco
- tobacco market
- tobacco warehouses
- Tobias Smyth House
- Tom
- Tom Cat Hollow
- Tom's Creek
- Tom's Creek community
- Tom's Creek mine
- tools
- town council
- town government
- town origins
- trading
- train
- train transportation
- trains
- transportation
- trapping
- travel
- travelling preachers
- Trial Book.
- trick
- Trigonometry
- truck mines
- truck mining
- U.S. influence behind immigration
- Uncle Billie
- Uncle Bob
- Uncle Johnie
- Uncle Jonnie
- union organization
- unionization
- unions
- United States Pension Agent
- United States Senate
- Universal Molding
- VA
- VA politics
- valedictorian
- valentines
- vandalism
- various jobs
- VI College
- VICC machinery
- Virginia
- Virginia schools
- voting
- voting controls
- wages
- Wallace
- Walt
- Walter Preston Brownlow
- War Department
- Washington
- Washington County
- Washington DC
- Washington Springs Resort
- Waterhouse
- weaving
- weaving looms
- welfare
- well-to-do family lifestyle
- Western country
- whiskey maker
- White Top Mountain
- White Top Music Festival
- White's Mill
- Whitetop
- wife
- wild meat
- wiles
- Will
- William
- Williamsons
- Willie
- Wilmington
- Windsor Ave Church
- wine making
- Womens Missionary
- work
- work and changes in various mines
- work at American Furniture
- work at Fontain brickyard
- work at Mathieson Alkali Works
- work at Olin plant in Saltville
- work at Olin-Mathieson Corp
- work camps
- work for Stuart Land and Cattle Co
- work in sawmill
- work in the coal mines
- work in the mines at Tom's Creek
- work in various mines
- work on railroads
- work programs
- working as a telephone operator
- working at Jewel Ridge
- working at Olin-Mathieson
- working camps
- working conditions
- working conditions as a coal loader
- working for Plasterco
- working in Banner
- working in mines
- working in various mines
- Wyhtheville Conference
- Wythe County
- Wytheville
- Wytheville Conference
- Yearbook
- young people
- Z. Endermen Sr.