Emory & Henry College Records


This collection contains records of Emory & Henry College. Founded in 1836 to equip an educated citizenry and civic leaders for Southwest Virginia and the American republic, Emory & Henry is the oldest educational institution in Southwest Virginia. Established by the Methodist Church, Emory & Henry has both shaped and been shaped by the conflicts and questions that have been known across this landscape. These records offer windows into the people and places of Southwest Virginia. This collection contains registers of students, account books, boardinghouse expenses, subscriptions from benefactors, daily records of expenditures and income.

Collection Items

A daily record of the Emory & Henry College Boarding House, listing items purchased from farmers, merchants, and other vendors, as well as enslaved laborers and free persons of color working in the boarding house.

Records of the amount of debt and the amount paid back to Emory and Henry College from different individuals associated with the school in 1835.

This holds records of different individual's debits and credits to Emory & Henry College between the years of 1908 and 1909.
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